Universal Tennis Rating
Universal Tennis Rating Tournaments
BVCT UTR Tournaments are designed to give players experience in a one day tournament format at minimal cost and travel where players should get 3(4) competitive matches in each event. Matches are skill based rather than gender/age based to encourage match play across all levels. As with any "number" earned by a player, it should be used as an evaluative/measuring tool to help players reach their full potential.
Universal Tennis Rating is a number used to rate a player on a scale of 1-16 with a 2 decimal place value. A player’s last 30 matches within 12 months are used to calculate the 2 decimal place number. Beginners start at 1 with Professional players at 16. It takes about 5 matches to generate a UTR number. Only registered members can view the full 2-digit decimal place numbers. Numbers are calculated in real time as results are entered. The UTR algorithm is based on games won. UTR numbers are used to allow a player to compare themselves with others to encourage competitive matches and practice.
Sign up on SportsYou app (Access Code: 3J3K-UZTR) for BVCT tournament reminders and calendar.
USTA Tournaments
WTN, Levels 1-7 and Grand Prix Circuits 10&U
USTA Tournaments (WTN, USTA Levels 1-7 and Grand Prix Circuit 10&U) are organized through the governing body of tennis in the US, the USTA. The tournaments are predominantly age and gender based, although they are not required to be, so check the tournament information when registering. WTN tournaments range from entry level/beginner tournaments to advanced. Level 1-7 tournaments are gender/age based and use a national ranking point system to qualify players for high level tournaments. Level 7s are entry level/beginner tournaments. All results will be calculated in each player’s WTN rating number which can be accessed through the WTN website.
World Tennis Number (WTN)
The ITF World Tennis Number is a number used to rate a player on a scale of 1-40 with a 2 decimal place value. The WTN is represented by a 2 decimal place number between 1 and 40. On the WTN scale a beginner will start at 40 and advance to 1 for professional players. A player will get a WTN after 1 match although more is needed to give a true assessment of their level. Match results will be calculated once a week on Wednesdays. The WTN algorithm is based on sets won. The full 2-digit decimal place number is free to all and can be looked up for each player on the WTN website. WTN numbers are used to allow players to compare themselves with others to encourage competitive matches and practice.
Sign up on SportsYou app (Access Code: 3J3K-UZTR) to keep up to date with the BVCT tournament reminders and calendar.
USTA 2025 Tournaments
May 24, 2025 WTN Singles
July 26, 2025 WTN Doubles
September 28, 2025 Singles
September 13, 2025 WTN Singles
November 8, 2025 WTN Singles