OFF Campus PE & AfterSchool Tennis

All school districts are welcome! CSISD offers an off campus PE option for kids in various sports. Our program is registered with the school district and satisfies the PE requirement for 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Our After-School Tennis program is for students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. The OCPE program meets the 5 hours per week minimum with either the class and private lessons or combination of both. Students accepted into our OCPE program can serve, rally and keep score as a bare minimum requirement. Our After-School tennis program is for beginners with little or no tennis experience. Tournament play is expected monthly to track progress for participants registered in OCPE.

OCPE - Tennis U is a combination of on-court (strategic/skills) and class room (tactical/mental). A variety of curricula are used all approved by the USTA and USPTA. All aspects of tennis are taught; fitness, footwork, speed, agility, racquet mechanics, strategy and mental toughness.

OCPE meets M/W 3:30-5:30PM and Thursday 6-7PM (grades 6-8)

After-School meets M/W 3:30-5PM (grades 3-5)

Cost is $300/month for OCPE and $200/month for After-School

OCPE Application for CSISD

OCPE/After School Interest/Registration